Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I use the Media Player?
- A. It's very intiutive so just go ahead and try it. If you have trouble, come back here and read further. The Media Player comes into view after your member login. It contains all of our selections in a menu format. The menu is in the main window, and you click or tap it to advance the menu or to make a selection. There is a 'Back One Page' button to go backwards in the menu. After clicking your selection, it starts playing. There is nothing more you need to do except to adjust the sound on your device to your preference. For videos, the 'Full Screen' button expands the picture, Once a selection completes, the player automatically selects the following item and starts playing it. Using the Media Player is the same on desktops, laptops, tablets, phones or other mobile devices.
Q. What do the 'SLOW' and 'NORMAL' buttons do?
- A. These buttons adjust the playback speed. Leave it on Normal most of the time. Many seniors have hearing difficulty or may be cognitively challenged, and using the Slow button for certain spoken programming or movies can help their comprehension. It works remarkably well.
Q. Can I sample your service?
- A. Yes. You can get a full 24 hours to try the Media Player and explore all of our programming. Just click HERE.
Q. How much programming does the Player contain?
- A. There are about 4,000 distinct activity selections. Some can take over 2 hours to complete (a long full length movie), and some just a couple of minutes (such as a popular song). The next selection in the list automatically starts when the present selection completes so you can just sit back and enjoy.
Q. What happens if I fall asleep? Does the player keep going all night?
- A. No. There is a safety feature that automatically stops the player after the current selection completes and 3 hours have elapsed. You can still use the player, but another selection must be made.
Q. What are the equipment requirements? I’m not very good with computers.
- A. If you can view a web page on your computer or mobile device, that's all you need to do. The Media Player is just a specialized web page. For seniors that have difficulty, caregiver assistance is required. Many individuals use our service directly on their device. For group or community use, one can easily cast the programming to a larger device, such as a media room TV or projector, or it can be distributed by an in-house TV system.
Q. Any other tips?
- A. Adequate sound volume is essential. Almost all seniors have some degree of hearing impairment, and in many the impairment is moderate to severe. The use of headphones or ear buds can help achieve adequate volume while being considerate of others. Caregivers can help individuals to operate the player and make selections. Encourage those with visual impairment to partake of audiobooks, music, stories and live radio. Longer selections, such as full length movies, can be shown in 2 or 3 segments.
Q. What about pricing and any limitations?
- A. Members use our programming as much or as little as they want. You pay only for what you use. You can't redistribute, download or make copies of our programming. All of our web pages have links to our Policies and License and Terms of Service. Current member information is always in these documents.
- Hours and hours of Nostalgic Music - the tunes that your residents love.
- Nostalgic Movies, Concerts, Shows, Vintage TV, Theater
- Live Seniors Radio - Big Band, Classical, Pop, Soft Jazz, EZ Listening, Latin, Spoken Drama and Stories
- Travelogues from All Over the World
- Biographies/History
- Documentaries on Science, Habitat, Geography, Music, Nature
- Public Lectures from Harvard, Yale, and many foundations and organizations.